Monday, May 30, 2011

Canterbury Tales

Hello. My name is Saki Hagiwara. I would like to post about the Canterbury Tales. L did not know this story. I did not even hear the title.This story is written in Middle English. The Middle English period is from 1066 to 1500. This story is written by Chaucer. He wrote about over 500 works. he is not only a writer but also government worker and diplomat. Canterbury Tales written for educated readers. They may have a knowledge of Latin. 29 pilgrims gathered at the Ta bard Inn. Each Pilgrim is identified by his or her profession. Tree social stereo type of each Pilgrim that are ironic. some connections can still be made in modern world. I want to know more this background of this story.Here are some picture from the movie Canterbury Tales and a clip. Thank you

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